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Instagram is about to force users to Watch IGTV at any Cost!

!Instagram, the popular social media photo sharing app has introduced the IGTV service back in June last year. On the core Instagram app users can only watch videos that are only a minute long. But IGTV allows users to watch long videos on the platform. It can be dubbed as a move from Instagram to compete with YouTube and Snapchat’s video Discovery platform. Instagram is now one of the top social media platforms with 1 Billion users and millions of daily active users. The company has launched a standalone app for IGTV to watch long videos. It seems like users are not interested and Instagram is struggling to attract users to watch videos. Earlier the company had added an IGTV icon on top of the Instagram app on the home screen where users can navigate IGTV to watch most popular videos. And...

5 things a logo could bring to your business

A logo is what we see all around us in the current times. From a product’s branding till it’s marketing everywhere we can witness the logos being implicated. What actually a logo is? Well, people often assume that it is just an image with some symbolic thing but this is not the actual thing. A logo is meant for different purposes and can make you able to get the business to grow and make it more prominent in the market. Here are a few things that will make you understand the importance of logos and about what they bring to the table for business. It reveals your identity Most people assume that the logo is a symbolic representation. Yes, it is but this is a sort of symbolic representation that brings your identity to be revealed in front of the people in the market. A logo says much of thi...

Get Maximum Marketing Results

Here is something numerous business visionaries need to comprehend with regards to showcasing: there is no such thing as ensured outcomes. There are an excessive number of elements about your showcasing effort that nobody can control. It would be hostile to moral for any promoting organization or specialist to ensure ABC results in the event that you contribute XYZ measure of cash. In any case, it doesn’t imply that there are not approaches to benefit from your advertising spending plan (as indicated by the conditions). Here are seven different ways you can amplify your promoting endeavors – regardless of whether we are in a retreat or a blasting period you can also see these different ways in Microsoft Top. Try not to Confuse Marketing with Networking On the off chance that yo...

App Development Trend That Will Rock In 2019

In the dynamic world, the app development trends get change faster than the companies get to know, understand, and think about their implementation. It’s true, but there are some trends which have become a standard in the industry due to the wide-acceptance and the abundance of benefits they offer. Image source: www. Progressive web app development is one of the popular web app development trends that has caught up the leading position and great attention in the web development space in the previous years. Even, the giant enterprises have complemented the mobile apps with progressive web applications and enjoyed a great feat. It sounds interesting. Isn’t it? Let’s understand PWA in detail. The overview of progressive web apps (PWA) in brief: The PWA is just like a normal...

How to Recover Deleted Videos From Pen Drive – Resolved the Issues

Find Out How to Recover Deleted Videos From Pen Drive Without Any Hassle The pen drive is prominently utilizing storage device, by the users to stores data like photos, videos, documents etc. Users prefer flash drive due to its portability and capacity. A user can easily stores more than thousands of videos in it without any hindrance. However, the data stored in it is prone to get deleted accidentally or lost under various circumstances like accidental deletion, formatting, system failure, device corruption, and virus attack and much more. Here we will learn how to recover deleted videos from pen drive without any data loss. Basically, data loss issue from pen drive is a tiresome situation to face for anyone. But, don’t worry! because it is possible to recover deleted videos from pen driv...

How to Choose a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Startup?

There are over 100 million startups launched every year worldwide. What are the odds that you will survive the competition? You need to have a cutting-edge digital marketing strategy, backed by a good agency to survive in the market. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you start looking out for digital marketing services? You want your product to go viral. This may seem a bit too far-fetched, but that thought process is universal. Looking for the right digital marketing agency from an ocean of agencies can be a daunting task. Hence, we have created an audit list that you must have while looking for a digital marketing agency. The Agency’s Core Strength Like all businesses, every agency should be able to differentiate themselves from others by offering a USP. Alternatively,...

Best Apps for Hacking In-App Purchases of Online Games

Whilst the use of Android phones is increasing day by day, the craze of android games will be also increasing at a tremendous rate. Today I am got inform you some amazing apps for in app purchase hack android online games. Mini racing is still a very fun game but we all know that the cool and awesome cars are locked and we have to play cross some hard levels to attain those awesome cars however, the way is long and believe me you don’t want to waste your time in playing upgrading. The thing is there are many ways to play games at awesome ways just imagine you are in beginner’s level and playing that game moon rover that the fun will be too much and your game will probably be lit. Now the question arises how would you/I do so? How in the world would anyone do so? The solution will be ...

5 Reasons to Choose a Notebook instead PC

A significant number of us are so used to chipping away at a PC work area that when it comes time to buy another PC, we don’t think about different alternatives. Today, PC scratch pad – which were once called PCs – offer various favorable circumstances over a PC work area. Here are only five reasons why you should choose notepads. Portability You may be accustomed to finding a comfortable place to sit to your PC, yet it bodes well to pull your PC up to your seat. PCs can positively be utilized at your work area, yet you additionally have the alternative of conveying them to the spot where you’re generally agreeable. Perhaps you’d like to surf the Web at night out in the front room or make up for lost time with your most loved sites previously sleep time. Journ...

How to Recover Deleted Data from Laptop Hard Drive: Step By Step Guide

How to Recover Permanently Deleted Data from Laptop Hard Drive (Best Method) The hard drive is an essential component of a computer that not only allows users to keep data but, also maintains its complete operating system. All important data including Excel files, PDF, Programs, PPT files, Documents etc., are stored on a laptop’s hard drive. Hence, data loss from the hard drive of a laptop will be a big problem. In this article, we are going to talk about some common causes of data loss from laptop hard drive along with the solutions to recover deleted data from laptop hard drive in quick and safe way. What are the Causes of Data Loss from Laptop? Most of the users are quite unaware of the real risks of data loss from the computer. Some of the common reasons for data loss from computer har...

How to set up a Home Network Router?

This step-by-step guide explains how can set up a broadband router for home computer networking purpose. The exact names of configuration settings on such routers vary depending upon the specific model. But this Exact Same general procedure applies: Choose a Suitable Location Choose a good location to begin installing your router such being an open ground table or space. That does not need to function as the permanent location of this device: Wireless routers sometimes need careful positioning and deployment in places difficult to reach. At the beginning, it’s better to choose a location where it’s easiest to do the job well with the router and also worry about final placement later. Turn It On Plug in the router’s electric power source, and then switch to the router by simply ...

How to perfectly Pitch your guest posts?

Blogging or freelance writing have prevailed over the past few years tremendously and every one thinks of being a pro blogger but having a direct approach in this extremely competitive environment is not everyone’s cup of tea, so to make the deserving people stand out amongst the odds and to provide them a recognition GUEST POSTS have been put up by various A+ grade sites. Guest blogging or guest posts allows one to develop public relationships and interact with other freelancers or bloggers opening doors to partnership in the future, but having a perfectly pitched guest post is what its takes. The key to writing a perfectly pitched guest post that gets accepted is personalization. However, this is just the minutest step towards perfect pitching there are other key factors as well that pla...

Challenges Faced By The Data Management Consulting Companies

People working in the management consulting companies are aware how important it is to face the business challenges.  One of the major concerns of the companies today is increased competition. Respondents from management consulting companies are increasingly concerned about the competition coming from the larger and smaller players. The findings reveal that several firms that are not large or established with not so well-defined business models are increasingly worried about their chances to stay competitive in the industry. Changes in the buying habit About forty percent of the data management consulting companies are increasingly worried about the changing buying pattern of the customers, which is supposedly due to the ability of the buyers to conduct research online through the tra...